Subject: Oneness – The Eternal Constitution
Category: The World Is Lord Narayan’s Classroom | Part 268
Reading Time: 13 minutes
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Date: 28 February 2022
Time: 19:00 (GMT +2)
Venue: Sri Narayan Dham, 28 Dunstaple Crescent, Reservoir Hills, Durban, South Africa
I welcome the foremost Vaishnava, Lord Shiva, to take his residence at the Sri Narayan Dham in Durban, South Africa. You all witnessed Lord Indra sending showers for Lord Shiva to take his residence at the Sri Narayan Dham. If he is the foremost Vaishnavite then it is only absolute that he lives with us at the Sri Narayan Dham.
Today is “Maha” Shivaratri. Every day is Shivaratri. Today is Maha Shivaratri. What does “Maha” mean?
Audience: Great
Acharyaji: And what does Shivaratri mean?
Audience: Night.
Acharyaji: Today as I promised yesterday, I’m going to go a little deeper into understanding Lord Shiva. Not understanding from the fanatical point of view but understanding from the scientific point of view. Lord Shiva is an extremely important player in the science of this universe. However, his involvement in the scientific aspect of this universe has been misinterpreted as religious. It is on this auspicious day where it becomes necessary to put Lord Shiva’s absoluteness into its perspective so that Sanatan Dharma, the absolute science of this universe, can function and be utilised in its proper context for the benefit of all living entities.
So all of you know that in explaining creation there is a trinity?
Audience: Yes.
Acharyaji: There are three inherent powers in the material identity. One power works at a time whilst the other two powers are subdued. These three powers are called Gunas. “Gunas” means rope. Have you seen a rope? Please understand and visualise this. Did you see the three strands of a rope? They are intertwined. Similarly, these three powers that are called Gunas are intertwined. These three powers are the basis of this material universe. These powers actuate, control, and annihilate at the end of this universe. These powers are called Satagun, Rajagun, and Tamagun.
Satagun is a state of absolute purity, and Satagun is managed by Lord Sriman Narayan Himself. Rajagun is a power that binds you through desire. Tamagun is a power that vibrates in the dimension of indolence and sleep. Tamagun is laziness, sloppiness, and sleepiness. Is sleep necessary? Why is sleep necessary?
Answer: To recharge and revitalise the energy in every cell of your body. You need to shut off. You need to sleep. Lord Sriman Narayan as Vishnu is in charge of Satagun, Lord Brahma is in charge of Rajagun, and Lord Shiva is in charge of Tamagun. I want you to understand this with respect. In business, countries, and big companies you get a legally constituted committee called the working committee. Yes or no?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: So the working committee of the universe is constituted by Lord Sriman Narayan who maintains the power of Satagun. Power means energy. Rajagun is an energy of attraction. Tamagun is an energy that switches you off. It is an energy that places you in laziness and darkness. It does not mean this is the quality of Lord Shiva. You get the ministry of justice and a ministry of correctional services in our country of South Africa. Both ministers have an equal status quo as a minister. It does not mean that the minister of correctional services is a criminal. Yes or no?
Audience: No
Acharyaji: Similarly, there is a misinterpretation of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva manages the hardest department to handle, and I’ll tell you why just now. But first I want you to understand these three powers of Satagun, Rajagun, and Tamagun. These powers are constantly existing and changing in each person. Right now at this point in time if you are thinking of going home then put your hands up. How many of you are thinking of going home? If you are thinking of going home then you are in Rajagun. You have a desire and an attachment – You want to go home. This power is influencing your mind at this point. Preeni, you want to go home? (jokes)
At this point in time those of you that want to go home, then this power is influencing you. Those of you who want to continue listening to this discourse, and find this discourse interesting then you are being induced by the power of Satagun. And those of you who are here listening to the Guru but not listening to the Guru – you don’t care what the Guru is saying – then you are in Tamagun. Everyone is affected by the three Gunas as per your individuality. And this universe is created by the three Gunas plus individual karma. Where does individual karma come from?
Answer: Your past lives. So depending on your karmas of your past lives, you will experience a proportion of Satagun, Rajagun, and Tamagun. Do you understand? And that keeps this universe in rotation. Karma is the fuel that rotates this universe and karma is powered by these three Gunas. These three Gunas are headed by Lord Sriman Narayan as Vishnu, Lord Brahma, and Lord Shiva. In Tamagun, what are the 5 elements you are wearing today?
Answer: Space, air, fire, water, and a combination of all four is earth. You are wearing earth, aren’t you? You are taking up space, aren’t you? There is air in your system, is it not? There is heat in your system, is there not? And your body is made of earth – a combination of these four elements. These five elements are controlled by Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva controls the department of these 5 elements which constitute this entire material universe. Are you understanding?
So Lord Shiva pervades every atom in this universe. Lord Shiva exists when creation takes place. Lord Shiva is a principle personified as a person called Shiva. All of you understand? It is this energy and power that is personified as Lord Shiva. Like we have in South Africa a ministry of public enterprises, and Eskom is personified by that minister Yes or no?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: So if you look at electrical energy, the personification of that energy will be the minister of public enterprises. So every institution has a person who handles that aspect of the institution, and it is Lord Shiva that handles the production of the material elements that constitute this entire universe.
And it is this where there is confusion because people do not know the category of the departments of the Supreme Lord. There are various categories and Lord Shiva is the head of the department of one such category. So we need to authenticate and verify what the Guru is saying. Do you find Lord Shiva in the Bhagavad Gita? Yes or no?
Audience: Yes.
Acharyaji: Yes Lord Shiva is found in the Bhagavad Gita. Is the Bhagavad Gita an authorised scripture for Sanatan Dharma?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: Do you find Lord Shiva in the Upanishad?
Audience: Yes.
Acharyaji: Are the Upanishads authorised scriptures for Sanatan Dharma?
Audience: Yes.
Acharyaji: Do you find Lord Shiva in the Brahma Sutras?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: Are the Brahma Sutras authorised scriptures for Sanatan Dharma?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: Is Lord Shiva found in the Valmiki’s Ramayan?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: Is Lord Shiva found in the Mahabharat?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: So where is Lord Shiva not found when it comes to the authorised scriptures of Sanatan Dharma? But you cannot take Lord Shiva out of the context of the authorised scriptures and make him your own God. He does not want that. All of you understand? Everyone understanding?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: We are clearing the confusion. Lord Shiva does not want you to take him out of context and out of scripture because he is the foremost Vaishnavite. Lord Shiva speaks the Guru Gita. Lord Shiva is the speaker of the Guru Gita and Mother Parvati is the hearer of the Guru Gita. In the 200 verses of the Guru Gita, Lord Shiva instructs every human to find a bona fide spiritual master after due diligence. So you need to look because that is the instruction of Lord Shiva and find a Guru of your choice who has to be bona fide. That Guru must come from a Guru disciplic succession which must be affiliated with the Vedas, and that Guru must live within the parameters of the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and the Brahma Sutras. And to make this understanding clear, we have the Ramayan and the Mahabharat.
So I think I have two legal minds in this Satsang today, and I’m saying real legal minds. Do you know what “Precedence” means? What is the meaning of “Precedence” and what is the meaning of “Decided cases”? Our two ladies? Do you understand?
So the Lord has set precedence in the Ramayan and the Mahabharat and in doing so it has become decided cases. So if you want to enquire about anything in Sanatan Dharma, read the Ramayan and see how the Lord acted. Read the Mahabharat and see how the Lord acted, and you act according to the decided case of Mahabharat or the Ramayan.
So I want to come back to today and why I delayed the Satsang, and why you must not be in a hurry to go home. The reason temples are created is that they become energy centres of the cosmos. They become like your CellC, MTN, Vodacom, and Telkom towers. The only thing about these temples and ashrams is that the tower is functional 24/7. Today there is a surge in the cosmic energy. It is scientific. Through various positions of the systems that exist in our universe on this particular day, there is a surge in cosmic energy. This is not just an ordinary surge but it is a positive surge. When you sit in an authorised and bona fide temple or ashram, then these centres have a frequency to receive that energy, like a radio. You can tune your radio to a certain frequency like Radio Lotus, Hindvani, or whichever radio station, but first you have to find it and tune it. Yet that frequency is running all over. It is ever-present. Is it not? But you have to have a receiver to receive that energy. Similarly on this night wherever in the world you are; and it’s continuing tomorrow. This year we are very lucky. This surge will only end tomorrow night, and if I had my own way I would have had two Shivaratris. But I don’t think anyone would want to come for the second one. As it is you are battling in here for this first one. You want to run home.
Ok, so this energy that we extract from the cosmos is channelled to you. It is channelled to you. So be very careful. When I picked up Lord Shiva yesterday, I missed six accidents, and people that know me know that I am a very careful driver. When I picked him up in Ottawa, He was as light as a feather. I put Him in the front seat next to me and I strapped His seatbelt. Maybe I made a mistake, Lord Shiva does not need a seatbelt. I was getting banged from all sides. I was not the cause of these accidents – cars were coming into me.
So, with that in mind, his weight was manageable in Ottawa. When I picked him up and brought him into the ashram – go look at that video – I am embarrassed. He weighed I don’t know how many tons. Just because I was on live Facebook, I somehow mustered the energy to bring him in here. The tray I placed him on was far away, and I looked at Sherwen to tell him to bring the tray closer – I’m dying!
Audience: Laughs.
Acharyaji: I am trying to tell him with my eyes, “Bring the tray closer, I am dying!!!” This is Lord Shiva. No murti has ever reached its destination without messing around. No murti has reached its destination without boggling the human mind. Go in a prayer shop and go buy a murti. Take it home and see. Because every murti is the deity it represents. Those in Sanatan Dharma worship deities. Sanatan Dharmies are not idol-worshippers. Those are not idols. Every deity is a representation of a power that is within the cosmic world. There are 330 million powers that exist in this cosmic world and every deity represents a particular power.
So, when the Quran, the Torah, the Bible, speak of idol worshipping, they speak in the time and context of those people who were converting to that particular religion. Lord Jesus Christ did not found Christianity. He was a spiritual master. Prophet Mohamed did not found Islam. The disciples and followers founded the teachings of these two spiritual entities and that is how Christianity came into being and that is how Islam came into being. Yes or no?
Audience: Yes
Acharyaji: Yes! Lord Jesus Christ did not tell people, “I am founding a religion called Christianity.” It was after he left this material universe, his followers became a religion called Christianity. All of you understand. At that point when he was teaching and said do not worship idols, those idols were not deities that were found in Sanatan Dharma. In the time of Lord Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohamed, those idols were not the deities that we worship in Sanatan Dharma. Those were idols were created by those people living in those places at that particular time. Alright, we didn’t have all our Maha Bhadra Kali’s there. (jokes). Yes or no? Do you think when Jesus Christ said no idol-worshipping he said, “Don’t worship that Kali Mata?” Do you think Prophet Mohamed said, “Don’t worship that Durga Mata?” Do you think he would have known who Durga Mata is?
Answer: Both were Prophets so definitely YES! They would have been enlightened. If they wanted to be specific and if they were talking about idol worship of Sanatan Dharma, then they would have named the deities of Sanatan Dharma. They would have said, “Don’t worship Durga Mata, don’t worship the idol of Lord Shiva.” The idols they referred to were idols of that time and place which were unauthorised. All of you understand. Is it logical? Can you see the reason behind it?
But what do we do? We want to transcend the real teachings and we want to create teachings of our own. And that is causing problems around the world today.
I just want to acknowledge – what is the date today – 28 February 2022- and we are on the brink of World War 3. It is this type of misunderstanding that starts in communities and land in countries and continents. Look, at this point, if the mental capacity of the world leaders is not maintained, then the entire population of humans together with animal and plant life can be destroyed. Because we have nuclear energy. Don’t we? And Russia is already warning that it is going to use nuclear energy. You understand.
Sanatan Dharma is necessary to be experienced around the world because Sanatan Dharma is not a religion. Sanatan Dharma gives humans ideals on how to live. What is happening now has happened before. This universe is currently 155 trillion years old. There is another 155 trillion to conclude. Nuclear wars have been found before. There are scientific studies that show lost societies. And we are mind-boggled how an entire living civilization can be wiped out. Aren’t we mind-boggled? It is because these types of nuclear wars have been happening since time immemorial. And we must get onto this program of Oneness.
We reach out, not only as individuals, neighbours, and countries. We need to reach out as continents, or else, this Kaliyug is starting to show its real face as predicted in the Vedas. According to the Vedas, whatever is happening today has been predicted accurately. Ok, and this is why I say have patience tonight. Tonight is a night where you can tap into the cosmic energy by allowing your mind into the Satagun dimension. Bring your mind! Forget all your associations. Forget whatever is going to happen wherever. Just free yourself, because energy needs to enter and when you free your mind and yourself, you allow that energy to enter. This is a positive spin that is surging from the north pole to the south pole.
The cosmic energy is the cosmic mind. There is a cosmic mind that is vibrating positive at this point in time. We are individual minds connected to the cosmic mind. Allow that connection tonight. That is your right. It is your individual right to connect to the cosmic mind and absorb whatever energy you can. But don’t block that energy, have faith in this Maha Shivaratri. What is faith?
Audience: Belief in the Lord.
Acharyaji: When must you have faith? When you go to school – class one – you have faith in the teacher that the teacher is going to teach you the syllabus of class one. Do you know the syllabus of class one?
Audience: No.
Acharyaji: No! But you have faith that that teacher will teach you the syllabus of class one. When you went to university you paid a lot of money. What are the fees, Jessica?
Jessica: R870 per module.
Acharyaji: R870. You pay your money, and you have faith. That is why you pay your money? You have faith that that professor teaching that module will teach you the correct syllabus so that at the end when you complete your syllabus you will know. But before completing your syllabus do you know? Similarly, when you come to a Guru, you must have faith in that Guru and that faith is before you know. If you stick around with the Guru and when you know, do you still need faith?
Audience: No.
Acharyaji: No! When you take up your subjects in university, you need to have faith until you acquire your degree. After you acquire your degree, do you need to have faith in that professor?
Audience: No.
Acharyaji: Why? Because you know already. So, similarly when you don’t know, then you have to repose your faith in the Guru. After you know – and what is this knowing that we are talking about? What do you need to know?
Answer: The science of establishing a relationship with the Supreme Lord.
That science and the master of that science is Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva gives you the Guru. Who gives you the Guru?
Audience: Lord Shiva.
Acharyaji: Lord Shiva! And on this auspicious day go and look and take this present from Lord Shiva. Find a Guru of your choice anywhere in the vicinity that you are. But take this gift from Lord Shiva. For after you take this gift from Lord Shiva and once you know then you don’t need a Guru anymore.
Jai Sriman Narayan
(Eternal Constitution = Vedas)
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