Acharya Shyam Ramanuj Foundation

Creating a Divine Spiritual Society | Equality for all

ASRF is a Spiritual Upliftment Centre

The Acharya Shyam Ramanuj Foundation is the organisation’s legal institute name under which all other spiritual entities fall under. The Sri Narayan Dham is the foundation’s spiritual name, and is not a faith-based religious programme. Instead it is a spiritual upliftment centre that focuses on transforming your consciousness from material to spiritual. The underlining substratum of the institution is to spread awareness of the absolute truth written in all of the authorised Vedic scriptures prescribed to us. With the understanding that Sanatan Dharma is a universal religion, the Acharya Shyam Ramanuj Foundation does not belong to any particular race, creed or culture. As a result the organisation attracts children and adults of all ages from various walks of life. The ashram practices its motto of respecting all and worshipping your own, and that the world is one diverse family. It is also home to numerous Pastors, Moulanas, and other spiritual, political and community leaders who all share the same sentiments.

Job of a Guru

The ultimate duty of a bona fide spiritual master is to teach you who you are, who the Supreme Personality of Godhead really is, and how you can connect to Him. This process of self-realisation and understanding that you are the soul and not the body is the first step towards attaining liberation (moksha). The Acharya Shyam Ramanuj Foundation aims to fulfil four wishes for devotees i.e. fulfilment of religious principles, fulfilment of economic developments, fulfilment of material desires, and fulfilment of the desire to be liberated. In order to receive these benefits, the only requirement is that devotees surrender completely and follow all the instructions of Acharya Shyam Ramanuj.

Sri Sampradaya

As accurately predicted in the Padma Purana, the Sri Sampradaya (or also known as the Sri Ramanuj Sampradaya) is the main Vaishnava school founded by Lord Narayan’s consort, Mother Lakshmi. The Sri Sampradaya is one of the four oldest bona fide traditions between the Brahma, Kumara and the Rudra Sampradaya, and incorporated the name of the first most prominent representative, Lord Sri Ramanujacharya, 1000 years ago. The Acharya Shyam Ramanuj Foundation belongs to the Sri Sampradaya and follows the same philosophies of Vishishadvaita and qualified non-duality, as expounded by Lord Sri Ramanujacharya.

The Sri Sampradaya is based completely on Vedic traditions, and this knowledge was transcendentally passed on through the disciplic succession of bona fide representatives of Godhead via the Guru Paramapara system, starting from Shri Lakshmi Nath to Shri Lakshmiji, Shri Vishwaksensuri, Shri Shathkopsuri, Shri Nathmuni Swamiji, Shri Yamunacharya Swamiji, Lord Shri Ramanujacharya, Shri Varmuni Swamiji etc., until it was received in this current era by Swami Sudarshan Acharyaji Maharaj and now currently Acharya Shyam Ramanuj.

Observance of Hindu Calendar Events

The Acharya Shyam Ramanuj Foundation observes numerous religious events from the Hindu calendar throughout the year. These are Raam Naumi, Gita Week, Krishna Janmashtami, Navaratri, and Shivaratri to name a few. Integrated with these is the “Month of the Ramanujans” event from the 5th May till the 27th May.

This period is very auspicious to the Sri Narayan Dham as it commemorates the inauguration of the Sri Narayan Dham and Sri Sudarshan Goshala, tribute to the twelve Alvars, the birthday of our Adi Guru – Lord Sri Ramanujacharya,  the birthday of Swami Sudarshan Acharyaji Maharaj, and also him leaving his mortal coil. The month of May is therefore very significant, and Satsangs are conducted daily during this period.

International Recognition

All discourses are broadcasted live on Facebook and shared on Youtube and other social media platforms for Acharyaji’s local, national and international followers to connect with him. The monthly viewership is in the hundreds of thousands of people from all nationalities and backgrounds in over 45 countries, and in every continent around the globe. In light for this thirst of absolute Vedic knowledge, Acharyaji has taken to the world stage and earned his international status. The Sri Narayan Dham has also been acknowledged and visited by international Gurus who have stayed over at the ashram.

Miracles Witnessed Live

Each of these are celebrated with Satsangs and discourses, which explain the absolute relevance of the respective observances. During these elevated and spiritually potent observances, numerous local devotees have testified to witnessing and feeling the divine presence of the many forms of the Lord Narayan. There are too many miracles to count over the years.

During a Krishna Janmashtami Satsang many loaves of bread were donated to feed the less fortunate, and were placed on a table in front. With the divine eyes bestowed on Acharyaji, he noticed baby Lord Sri Krishna jumping out of His picture frame. Acharyaji anticipated what Lord Sri Krishna was about to do and so immediately pointed to the loaves of bread on the table. A few seconds later devotees were astounded as Lord Sri Krishna playfully kicked the bread to the floor. During another Krishna Janmashtami Satsang whilst Aarti was being conducted, devotees also witnessed baby Lord Sri Krishna rocking his own cradle with His idol resting on it. With no air movement present at the ashram and no one touching the cradle, it was seen rocking by itself.

Lord Shiva Opening His Eyes

During a Shivaratri Satsang, Lord Shiva’s picture frame of him being in a meditation position with his eyes closed was placed in front. While bhajans were being sung and vibrations were uplifted, Lord Shiva’s eyes were witnessed opening and closing on his picture frame. Devotees also testified to experiencing the potency of Lord Shiva. Currently during Satsangs and also morning Aartis conducted at Acharyaji’s previous residence, his consciousness merges with his Guru’s consciousness. While these are being recorded and broadcasted live on Facebook, the resultant are electromagnetic waves that interfere with live video broadcasts. When Satsangs or Aartis end, then the electromagnetic waves simultaneously stop as well. These divine interventions are only possible if Satsangs are bona fide, a Guru is bona fide, and the Sampradaya that a Guru belongs to is bona fide.

Curing Jaundice in 1 Day

Empowered with spiritual potency by Swami Sudarshan Acharyaji Maharaj, Acharyaji is relentlessly granting devotee’s their wishes of curing their pain and suffering. With his immeasurable love for humanity, he is repeatedly performing miracles and proving to the world that the word “Impossible” does not exist at the Sri Narayan Dham. One of the countless miracles that Acharyaji has performed was curing jaundice in one day. A baby of a devotees’ sister had contracted jaundice, and due to the severity of the condition the baby could not stop crying. Both the mother and baby also had not slept in three days. Since the baby was not present with Acharyaji, he entered and blessed the child through his astral body, and advised that they admit the baby in hospital. Jaundice usually takes between two and three weeks to cure, but the baby was deemed medically cured and discharged one day later.

Removing Kidney Stones

Another miracle performed was by removing kidney stones. A devotee unexpectedly started experiencing the most excruciating pain on the left side of his lower back. He was immediately rushed to hospital by his friend and had to be carried in on a stretcher. After being inconclusively diagnosed by a doctor, he was administered a painkiller injection for temporary relief and advised to go for a blood and x-ray test respectively. The devotee’s friend immediately phoned and explained to Acharyaji the incidences that transpired, and was advised to send Acharyaji a photo of the devotee to his phone. Acharyaji prayed for his good health through that picture, and the events that unfolded left the medical professionals baffled and lost for scientific explainations.

After the initial blood test results were finalised, it was diagnosed that this devotee had kidney stones. However, when the following x-ray results came back it was clean without any signs of kidney stones. The doctor stood there completely confused as lower back pains and the confirmation of the blood test results validated kidney stones. The symptom of kidney stones is constant agonising pain, and the initial painkiller medication was only meant to be a temporary relief for an hour or two. This devotee was miraculously able to walk around the hospital without any pain six hours later, with no kidney stone medication dispensed to him. He was subsequently discharged without any illness to cure.

The Word “Impossible” Does Not Exist

There are countless similar miracles performed by Acharyaji. Many devotees have testified to how Acharyaji has transformed their lives with economic developments, spiritual enlightenment, improved health, and other miracles. Acharyaji has cured cancer, heart attacks, arthritis and numerous other medical conditions, facilitated successful outcomes from planned surgeries, and thereafter alleviated all pain from post operations. He has subsequently left doctors stunned many times, as they could not explain these phenomena.

There are also incidences where he treated flus and sicknesses, assisted unemployed devotees find jobs, helped overcome years of addictions like gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, and dissipated chronic depression and other emotional difficulties from personal problems. He has shocked parents when their kids started excelling at school, brought harmony to previously damaged family environments, and even provided his Shakti to convert countless number of devotees to vegetarians. To other devotees, he simply surprised them when they found themselves living a less stressful lifestyle with contentment and peace of minds.

By showing this mercy to disciples, Acharyaji is not just talking about God from the Bhagavad Gita, he is tangibly proving the conclusions of Vedic injunctions to be alive through his miracles. Fearless to his mission of providing security, curing pain and illnesses, and spreading awareness of Lord Narayan, Acharyaji is proving to the world that the Lord, His representatives, and His teachings are all absolute.